Mobile Personal Emergency Reporting System
SMS Integration
The newest addition to our product line, mPERS by SMS Integration is the most technologically advanced medical alert device on the market today. Our devise allows you the freedom of using it both inside and outside the home while providing you with the Peace-of-Mind of having the ability to add Automatic Fall Detection at any time. GPS-capability and cellular-enabled coverage ensures that Police and Medical Authorities can locate you whenever and wherever you are.

mPERS by SMS Integration
$39.95/month (GPS Only)
$59.95/month (GPS + Fall Detection)
Enjoy all of the following benefits:
NO long term contract
Travels with you wherever you go
36-hour battery life
Activation fee, only $199.00
GPS tracks your exact location, at home or on the go
Advanced Fall Detection Add-on Available ($20.00/month)
Easy Auto Draft payment from Checking/Savings or Credit Card
Insurance plans available
Ordering information at
800-677-4350 or 828-369-6067

Get Help in 3 Simple Steps

Step 1: Press the Button on your mPERS
The small pendant can be attached to a belt or worn around the neck. While you are home, the device should be worn at all times. Because it is 100% waterproof, the pendant can be worn in the shower or bath. When pressed the device sends a wireless signal to the Central Monitoring Station.
Step 2: Communicate with a Certified Operator Within moments of pressing the button on your mPERS you will be contacted (via a two-way radio in the device), to a certified and trained operator, who will assess your situation and help to determine the type of help you need. They can access your file, view your medications and contact information for friends and family. If you are unable to respond, operators will send local emergency personnel to your home.
Step 3: Help is on the way! Completely portable, the mPERS can go anywhere you do. You can bring the security and Peace-of-Mind with you when you are on vacation or visiting family and friends. Service is provided in all 50 states, allowing you to travel with confidence.
Why Do I Need a Mobile Personal Emergency Reporting System?
Falls happen every day, any time and anywhere!
Every year, more than one-third of seniors will experience a fall at home. If alone and unable to move, these seniors are not able to contact help. Seniors can spend hours, or even days on the ground waiting for help. Serious injuries need to be treated immediately, and the more hours left unattended the chances of a full recovery is limited. A fall or medical crisis can be so severe that timely help can mean the difference between life and death. A mPERS ensures that you or your loved one is never alone, never without help, and protected 24 hours, 7 days a week.

Research has found that fear of a fall causes many seniors to limit their activity level. Limiting movements causes reduced mobility, balance and physical ability– actually leading to more falls, and also introducing anxiety and depression to many seniors’ lives. The mPERS provides confidence and Peace-of-Mind to the elderly and their families. This sense of security leads to a fuller, more active, and happier life for everyone.
Completely portable, the mPERS by SMS Integration can go anywhere you do. You can bring the security and Peace-of-Mind with you when you are on vacation or visiting family and friends.

Many times people who could benefit from an Emergency Reporting System don’t consider this option because it’s for “old people”, when in truth anyone, at any age, can benefit from immediate access to emergency care.
Mobile Personal Emergency Reporting System’s are great for a wide variety of age groups including Seniors! For those of us who have heard the commercials, seen the ads, or read basically anything about medical alerts, this should come as no surprise. For decades systems have gone hand in hand with elder care. However, this wasn’t always the case.
When the concept for medical alerts was first introduced, it was presented as a home alert system intended for people who were sick, disabled, elderly or for anyone who lived alone. Over time, as Emergency Reporting Systems gained recognition, their benefits to seniors became very apparent and soon companies began marketing directly to their largest demographic, seniors.
Stroke Survivors: “In 2009, 34% of people hospitalized for stroke were younger than 65 years”
Heart Conditions: “One in Four deaths in America are the result of heart disease”
People at Risk of Falling: “Falls are the second leading cause of accidental or unintentional injury deaths worldwide”
People Living with Reduced Mobility: Many people are restricted in their ability to respond to a critical event.
People with Communication Barriers: “According to the 2011 Census, a reported 60 million people living in the US speak English as a second language in their homes.
Non-Medical Emergency Situations: Events such as fire, home invasion, and domestic accidents can happen without warning. During a time of crisis, you may not be able to access or communicate by phone in a safe, secure manner.
Children: It may not be time for your child to be given a cell-phone, but that doesn’t mean that they need to be without the ability to communicate in an emergency. All they have to do is push the button to speak to a Central Monitoring Station Operator.
Regardless of age, every person can benefit from immediate access to emergency care. With a mPERS unit, the ability to contact emergency resources in a time of crisis can be simple and effective.

mPERS Frequently Asked Questions
How does an mPERS work?
How it works is quite simple, a small pendant worn on a belt or on a lanyard around the neck can transmit your location by GPS. When emergency help is needed such as medical, fire or police, the mPERS user can press the transmitter’s button, sending a signal to the Central Monitoring Station Operator. The operator has access to previously provided phone numbers for family, friends and important medical information such as medical allergies. The Operator will determine the nature of the emergency and notify the appropriate medical professionals and/or family/caregiver. If the Operator cannot contact the caller, they will notify emergency providers to respond to the mPERS user’s location.
Who gets nitified i nthe event of an emergency?
At the time the mPERS unit is set up, a client information form will be completed. The profile will contain important information of anyone on the contact list. If no one on the contact list can be reached, emergency services in your loved one’s area will be dispatched. Information for the contact list includes:
· Name
· Relationship
· Keyholder: Yes/No
· Home: Work: Cell: Pager:
The form also includes your loved one’s medical conditions, allergies, medications etc.
Do mPERS have the capability to work outside?
Yes, the mPERS from SMS Integration is meant to be used anywhere; in the home, outside working in the yard, on vacation, hiking, shopping, the list is endless.
How long does the battery last?
36 hours. We recommend setting the unit on it’s charging stand at night. The charging stand can be placed beside the user’s beds so it is ready and available if it is needed while sleeping.
Can I set-up the mPERS for my loved one or does it have to be professionally installed?
It is designed to be very easy to install but at SMS Integration we take care of all of that for you so that you can be assured it is working and set-up correctly.
Do I need a phone jack in order to have an mPERS unit?
No, a phone jack is not required. The unit is a mobile device that works off of GPS Satellites.
Can my loved one take the unit with them if they move?
Definitely! SMS Integration askes for a written notice within 24 hours of the move so that we can update your contact file with the new address and contact phone number.
What happens if my loved one accidentally sets off the alarm?
If the unit should be accidentally set off, when the Operator responds your loved one will simply need to respond that it was set off accidentally. The Operator will then cancel the alarm and no further action will be taken.
Are mPERS covered by Medicare, Medicaid or Insurance?
Usually not, but if your loved one has a prescription for a medical alarm sometimes the insurance company will reimburse you. You will need to contact them to inquire.
Is it possible for me to order one for my loved one but have the bill sent to me?
Absolutely! At SMS Integration we will schedule the automatic payment to draft from a Checking/Savings or Credit Card of whoever wants responsibility for payment.
What type of contract or agreement must be signed?
There is no contract from SMS Integration to use the unit.